Charlemagne Homes

Homeowners Assocation

The Charlemagne Homeowners Association (CHOA) has been in existence since 1966 when the first of 304 homes were built by Kennedy Builders. The CHOA Board of Directors is comprised of 3 Executive Officers (President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and currently 10 at-large Board Members overseeing various committees. Over the past decades, our association has been charged with preserving the character of our neighborhood with a focus on the common areas of our development, specifically the main entrance on Dundee Road and the seven cul-de-sacs throughout the subdivision.

Our annual dues are currently set at an annual fee of $135.00 per homeowner. This fee supports the maintenance of all common areas and other approved expenses. As a current or prospective homeowner, you can request a financial statement and see how our revenue is spent and our reserve balances. The majority of our funds go towards landscape maintenance, new plantings, water/sprinkler system and electricity. Historically, we do not have special assessments and self-fund any projects by using reserves.

As a Homeowner in Charlemagne, your minimum requirements to remain in good standing are to pay your annual dues on time and maintain a working yard light. The yard light is one element that establishes the character of the Charlemagne community. As such, we do not have municipal streetlights throughout the neighborhood. When the subdivision was originally established, homeowners were required to maintain working gas yard lights. Today, that requirement has been relaxed to include gas or electric. Should you want to change your gaslight to electric, there are many DIY conversion kits on the market or you can hire an electrician to convert the light for you. Contact us below should you want us to refer approved electricians.

As with any volunteer association, we can always use your help and assistance. The CHOA has several committees addressing the varied needs and interests of our community.

To contact the CHOA, please email us at

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions or would like to assist in any way, we welcome your involvement.